Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Thirsty Protesters Flood French Town With Red Wine

The whole town was left smelling like booze

There's no use crying over spilled wine, unless of course it's thousands of bottles worth: The streets of Sète, France ran red after so-called "wine terrorists" spilled the coveted beverage from the tanks of a local wine wholesaler, the Telegraph reports.

The Comité d'Action Viticole (Wine Action Committee) claimed responsibility for the alcoholic deluge, which streamed down Avenue du Maréchal-Juin outside the facilities of wine wholesaler Biron S.A., L’Express reports. Between 20,000 and 50,000 liters of wine were lost in the incident; firefighters were dispatched to clean up the flood, which apparently left the whole town smelling like a wino.

The protest group is motivated by the belief that the French government doesn't do enough to protect small wine producers from foreign imports. It's claimed responsibility for a number of similar incidents in years past, in addition to some exploits involving explosives. They're apparently not alone in their concerns: Back in April, an unaffiliated group of angry vintners hijacked tankers full of Spanish wine, dumping it onto the roadway in protest of increased foreign imports.

Of course, wine-related crime isn't limited to political protests: Wineries in France, Italy, and California have suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars worth in losses at the hands of bandits who have absconded with cases of high-end wines in pursuit of profits.

• French 'Wine Terrorists' Flood Town [Telegraph]

• Thousands of Liters of Wine Spread in the Streets of Sète [L'Express]

• Thieves Abscond With $200,00 Worth of Wine in Italy [E]

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